Opening Times & Attendance
The school gates will open at 8.45am for a 8:50am start and finish school at 3.20pm. This equates to 32.50 hours per week.
We offer extended provision, times and costings can be found on the wraparound provision tab.
Little Acorns start and finish times can be found on the early years provision tab.
Attendance and punctuality is a very important factor in a child's education. Regular lateness to school prevents children from starting the school day in a positive frame of mind and can add up to much lost learning. It is important that parents/carers work with the school to ensure their children arrive on time. Periods of absence from school have a detrimental impact on the progress and attainment of children and it is therefore important that children attend school regularly.
Term-Time holidays cannot be authorised by the headteacher. Where a family chooses to do so, their attendance will be recorded as unauthorised and parents may be subject to a fine from the local authority.
Where children are too poorly to attend school, parents must notify the school office. Please work with us to avoid the spread of infections illnesses through school by adhering to the advice from the school office. We are able to administer medicines in school where this means that they feel well enough to stay at school and it does not have a detrimental impact on either the child or others in school. Please see below for guidance.