Uniform Information
We are very proud of our school uniform. It contributes much to the ethos of the school and our pupils wear it with great pride.
Many items of non-personalised uniform (such as grey trousers and light blue polo shirts) are also available at most supermarkets.
Children with long hair will be required to have their hair tied back where possible, plain hair bands should be worn without any bows or attachments etc, and extreme hair cuts are discouraged.
Please name all items of uniform.
Our school uniform consists of the following.....
- LIGHT BLUE shirts, blouses or polo shirts
- NAVY jumpers or cardigans with or without school emblem (NOT SWEATSHIRTS)
- GREY/BLACK long or short trousers
- GREY/BLACK knee length skirts, pinafore dresses
- LIGHT-BLUE GINGHAM knee length dresses
- WHITE, BLACK, GREY Tights and/or socks.

Black sensible shoes (not trainers or sandals) should be worn all year. Sensible boots may be worn in bad weather but dry shoes need to be brought to wear indoors.All shoes must have a low heel. Laces should be plain black.
P.E Kit for all children.
LIGHT BLUE PE T-shirt with school logo.
NAVY/BLACK plain shorts or with logo.
NAVY/BLACK plain tracksuit bottoms/ plain leggings.
Sensible trainers (for outdoor P.E and games).
NAVY hoodie with school logo or plain.
Swimming costume/fitted swimming shorts or trunks (not bikini or long loose shorts/no pockets).
Goggles (with NCC Swimming permission slip)
Towel and small bag for swimming kit.
Hair must be tied up and away from children's faces for swimming, and earrings cannot be worn.